So I got the opportunity to try out a Jasminer X4-1U ETH/ETC miner in this article I wanna go over my thoughts on this miner and if it may or may not be for you. To start off if this is the right type of miner for you there are a few things you must know. This is a ASIC miner the term ASIC stands for application-specific integrated circuit. What this means is its a machine dedicated to usually one algorithm in this case Ethash which is what Ethereum and select few other coins use. In the case of the Jasminer X4-1U it also has the ability to move to ETC which is now using ETChash as an algorithm.

Now Ethereum is set to move to POS (Proof-Of-Stake) probably sometime in AUG/SEP of 2022 when it does Ethereum will no longer be able to be a minable chain so GPUs and of coarse this ASIC miner will have to switch to something else. GPUs have much more versatility then a ASIC where the Jasminer X4-1U is limited to the Ethash and ETChash algorithm GPUs can move to a wide variety of POW coins making them a way more versatile way to mine cryptocurrencies.

You cant count the Jasminer X4-1U out yet though as many do think ETC which is know as Ethereum Classic and the original chain of Ethereum may have the chance to gain a lot of increased value in the next bull runs. With that being said this Jasminer X4-1U may really shine. Now remember your pretty much going out of a limb that ETC will gain value if it doesn’t then it really makes this miner a hard purchase. On the other hand if it does do amazing things in terms of value there will not be any stock of these miners left and will become very hard to come by. Lets look at some numbers to show you how this could become a dominate force in the ETC mining space.

When mining Cryptocurrencies the biggest expense of any miner is the power consumption they use. You do want to maximize that hash to watt ratio which means getting the highest amount of hashrate as possible but doing so at the lowest amount of power as necessary. Lets take a RTX 3070 for example mining Ethereum.

10x RTX 3070 Mining Ethereum

Above you can see to get about 600MH on Ethereum you will need 10 RTX 3070 GPUs which alone cost around $4990 at MSRP for a FE version which is the cheapest RTX 3070 you can get plus you need Power supplies, Mining frames, Risers, Motherboard, CPU, and RAM. You can see on top of all that you are using around 1300W for that 600MH. Same hashrates apply for ETC as well as ETH. The Jasminer X4-1U comes in at $6599 with nothing else needed and hits around 620MH for a only 303w. You can see how an ASIC becomes much more wanted if ETC decides to do something great in the future.

Now this may sound to good to be true but the numbers are correct and must keep in mind if ETC doesn’t do anything after Ethereum moves to POS then the Jasminer would be a waist of money. On the other hand if you are one of the many who do think ETC has a bright future then I really urge you not to waist any time and probably grab some of these little miners before they are sold out and may never be seen again threw long listed back orders and waiting lists.

I have a full video review of the Jasminer X4-1U below if you would like to check it out as well and if looking to purchase one of these miners for yourself code “RabidMining” does grant an additional 1% off while using this JASMINER LINK.

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